If you think you already know the story of the itsy-bitsy spider, think again. From a Caldecott medalist comes a dynamic pop-up interpretation of a classic song.
Every child learns the song as a toddler, but they’ve never seen it this way before! Caldecott medalist Richard Egielski brings “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” vividly to life with intricate paper constructions on every page: the baseball-cap-wearing spider literally climbs up the water spout, and is deluged by raindrops for “down came the rain.” And when the sun magnificently reappears, the spider happily resumes his climb—up to Mama!
Ideal for fans of Robert Sabuda, this pop-up creation brilliantly captures the resilient spirit of a timeless tune and belongs in every child’s collection. Even Miss Muffet would welcome this spider into her library.
If you think you already know the story of the itsy-bitsy spider, think again. From a Caldecott medalist comes a dynamic pop-up interpretation of a classic song.
Every child learns the song as a toddler, but they’ve never seen it this way before! Caldecott medalist Richard Egielski brings “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” vividly to life with intricate paper constructions on every page: the baseball-cap-wearing spider literally climbs up the water spout, and is deluged by raindrops for “down came the rain.” And when the sun magnificently reappears, the spider happily resumes his climb—up to Mama!
Ideal for fans of Robert Sabuda, this pop-up creation brilliantly captures the resilient spirit of a timeless tune and belongs in every child’s collection. Even Miss Muffet would welcome this spider into her library.